
20 Pictures That Prove That Japan Is Different From Any Other Country

Japan, a country created from an archipelago off the coast of East Asia, is famous for its extraordinary and proud culture. The Japanese have a special way of doing things that may seem quirky to some, but this vibrant and prosperous nation can undoubtedly teach others a thing or two about innovation, imagination, family values, and respect for others.

Here is a list of the weird and wonderful cultural practices which make Japan so Japanese. Scroll down to check out the list for yourself, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Table of Contents

Japanese Team Leaves A Spotless Locker Room With A “Thank You” Note In Russian Despite Their Heartbreaking 2-3 Defeat To Belgium

This Hand-Written Letter I Received From A Mail Order Off Amazon

Most Organized Luggage Pickup You’ll Ever See. All Upright With Handle Facing Outward For Easy Pickup

Rice Paddy Art Is An Art Form Originating In Japan Where People Plant Rice Of Various Types And Colors To Create Images In A Paddy Field

This Fountain In Kanazawa, Japan Displays The Time

A Hotel In Tokyo Has A Reception Desk That Is Run By Robot Dinosaurs

Went In To A Police Booth In Tokyo To Get Directions To A Place 3 Blocks Away, The Officer Made Me A Detailed Handdrawn Map To Make Sure I Find It… Just Wow!

This Sign In Japan Shows The Proper Seating Etiquette

In Japan, Beginner Drivers Use A Shoshinsha Mark – Green And Yellow V-Shaped Symbol That New Drivers In Japan Must Display On Their Cars For One Year After They Obtain A Standard Driver’s License. There Is Also A Fukushi Mark Used To Denote Elderly Drivers

Unattended Grocery Store. Just Pick What You Want And Leave The Money In The Jar

Flight Delayed In Japan. Airline Employees Bow To The Passengers To Apologise

Sticker That Was On My Package From Japan

This Tank Style Stairs Dolly In Japan

The Fire Escape For This Building Is A Slide

A Tiny Pocket In The Back Of Train Seat To Put Your Train Ticket In So When The Conductor Comes Round He Just Checks It Without Waking You Up

The Japanese Ebay Seller I Bought This PS3 Game From Also Sent Me A Japanese Tea Bag With It

Japan’s Highest Bridge’s Height Is Compared To Godzilla

The Seat Pattern On The Train In Japan Tells You Where Priority Seating Is

Real-Life Mario Kart Racing In Tokyo Traffic

Bus Driver Holding An Umbrella So That You Don’t Get Wet While Opening Yours
